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It was a lively group at Thursdays’s class! Thanks for joining us!
Here’s a comment from one of the participants:
Fran Roeland’s talk today on Design & Composition was so informative and fun! So glad I attended as I learned valuable tools and design principles that are applicable to art, interior design, gardening & fashion. There are still a few spots left for the April 30th talk so if you can find the time, I’m sure you will find it tremendously worthwhile.
What a great day at the Ailsa Craig Arts Centre!
A very interactive group made for a very interesting composition and design class!
Thank you for all of the visitors who came to see my work since my opening on March 26!
The Ailsa Craig Arts Center will be open every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 1-3 for viewing until April 23rd.
Please call me if you would like to enquire about a painting on display and I will try to answer any questions that you may have. If I’m home, I would happy to pop over if you wish!
I’m excited be at the Arts Centre this Tuesday at 2:00 to visit with everyone.
I have finished my new body of work in preparation for a Solo exhibition coming up in the end of March at the Ailsa craig Arts Centre in Ailsa Craig ON.
I have been extremely busy and am happy to announce that the dates for my composition and design talks are now set.
Opening day- Saturday March 26th
Saturday April 2nd 1-5
Thursday April 7th 1-5
Saturday April 9th 1-5
Closing date- April 23rd
Please contact the Ailsa Craig Arts Centre to sign up for my design classes and for availability.
The full description of the design talks are in the post below
Good Morning everyone,
I am so excited to tell you about something very interesting that is happening in the end of March and throughout the month of April..A kick off to spring...
I am delighted to be showing a Solo Exhibition of new work at the Ailsa Craig Arts centre in Ailsa Craig On. From Saturday March 26th-Saturday April 23rd.
The Exhibition is named A NEW PERSPECTIVE and that it is!
In my latest paintings I try to capture emotion and meaning, they express happiness and new life. As I take in uplifting scenery during such a stressful and divided time, I hope to portray a new beginning and a new perspective!
I am busy finishing up the last details on my paintings now and look forward to exhibiting them in the near future!
I will be hosting design talks during my stay at the ACAC e as well.
Below is a description of what to expect to learn at this interactive and fun design talk. If you are interested, please send me a text 519-870-6519 and I'll have more details and dates for you.
Fran Roelands-Visual Storyteller
Ailsa Craig Art Center Solo Exhibition
Saturday March 26-April 23
I am looking forward to having some fun and interactive teaching sessions during my stay at the ACAC.
I will be teaching my passion, composition and design.
This lively talk will include all aspects of the principles and elements of design which are used to create a successful painting.
Not only for artists, I will also show you how to apply these design elements to your home interior design, quilting, landscape and flower gardens, as well how to achieve a great looking co-ordinated outfit to wear!
Through various examples, I will help you to understand what makes a good design work. Whether it’s observing a painting or choosing a home interior colour scheme, I will demystify the process. Consider this your roadmap to success!
Open to all ages, this Design talk is approximately 4 hours long with lots of time for observations and question and answers. We’ll also have some time for discussions and a break.
This class is designed for anyone who wishes to learn more about the creative process and to understand and implement these exciting new ideas.
Bring a drink, some snacks, a camera, and a note pad.
The cost is $20.00 per person with $5.00 from each participant going back to support the ACAC.
In preparation for this class, check out the design attributes feature on my website accompanying each painting. You’ll get a “head’s up” of my design process!
If you’re excited to learn more about increasing your creativity, this class is for you!
Fran Roelands
Happy New Year Everyone!
It's a time of reflection as we enter into 2022.
I am so happy to return to my easel and play with my paints as the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season are past!
I have decided that going forward, I will be focusing on carrying originals of various sizes and will not be keeping archival prints in stock. You are more than welcome to order geclee prints in any size on flawless canvas as well as on premium watercolour paper.
In my home gallery I have a great assortment of remaining archival prints available. Please call me anytime if you’re interested to come over and have a look :) 519-870-6519
I am very excited to tell you that I have plans for something very interesting coming up in the spring.....I'll keep you posted!
Check back from time to time to see what's new coming freshly off of my easel!
I can't believe that the Christmas rush is on!
After finishing up lots of new work, I've been busy traveling, getting my paintings to where they need to be.
I have a great inventory of original paintings at my home Gallery 34607 Creamery Road as well as at Leanne Rood's Constituency Office at 65 Front Street West, Strathroy ON. Monday to Friday 9:30-4:30
My Archival prints are to be found at my home Gallery. There's a really nice grouping of medium sized prints on canvas that have gorgeous and impressive sleek black frames! As well as 2" thick Gallery wrapped canvas prints that can be left unframed and look quite contemporary. It always amazes me how my watercolour prints suit equally as well on a gallery wrapped canvas!
Taxes are always included and as usual, receive a discount of 15% off of the purchase price if an original if you have already purchased an original in the past!
Please call me at 519-293-9381 to arrange a time to come to my Home Creamery Road Gallery to see my work or to pick up a Gift Certificate. I'd love to visit with you over some nice hot christmas tea!
Have A Blessed Christmas!
Cheers, Fran
I’m gearing up to be involved with a Christmas Openhouse in Strathroy ON this year! I was fortunate to have one of my paintings chosen for Leanne Rood’s 2022 calendar showcasing artists from her Lambton Kent Middlesex Riding.
Come and see the Artists and their Art and enjoy Christmas goodies too!
Have you ever noticed how beautiful and silky those milk weed seeds are? In mid fall these beauties just shine!
Design Attributes:
Look at the complimentary colours at work! From the deep and moody variations of crimson in the sunrise to the earliest light on those vibrant warm greens, these colour tones together really create a punch!
Also notice the distance created by sending the warm marshy vegitaion back towards a bluish tone and the earthier red colours are muted and indistinguishable. The eye naturally wants to check out what's in the foreground because of the lightest values in the milkweeds but then eventually can't help but travel to that thrilling emerging sunrise :)
This original Acrylic painting measures 24" by 24" by 2" and makes it's debut at the Christmas open house at our Conservative MP, Leanne Rood's Constituency office at 65 Front Street Strathroy, ON on Friday December 3rd from 3-6PM.
I will be showing and selling my latest works on these beautifully pewter painted walls, I hope to see you there!
It was a wonderful weekend for the artists on the Grand Bend Studio Tour and of course all of the art lovers touring around!
Thank you to Janette Baillie for your great organization of this event!
My location was at the Cottage Cafe on River Road , an excellent and busy eatery... absolutely friendly, bustling and delicious 😋
Thanks for all of the interest in my work and the sales, I’m so happy for the visits with everyone!
Thank you to Jay and Sandra for their purchase of “ Bird’s Eye View “
They will be placing this large piece in the hall of their home in London.
I’ll be setting up my home Creamery Road Gallery again on 34607 Creamery Road near Ailsa Craig.
Give me a call for coffee and a visit!
My website is constantly being updated if you wish to check it out for the latest news and straight off the easel new works!
We have a neighbourhood hawk that is spotted from time to time surveying surrounding farms for appetizing prey!
He is majestic and stately. I admire his stark look and peering disposition. As I painted the valleys and hills of a farm down the road, of course I imagined this beautiful hawk at his post! Can you spot him??
Some main design attributes:
The entire painting is unified by a colour palette of three main colours: Prussian Blue, Nickel Azo Yellow and Quinacridone Burnt Orange.
A vibrant underpainting consisting of a complete colour spectrum subtly shines through this composition, adding to it's dimension!
Fresh off the easel, this large original acrylic painting is just released for sale at the Grand Bend Studio Tour coming up on September 11th and 12th, 2021!
It is painted on a canvas and measures 48" by 60".
It is a grand addition to any home or office.
I'd love for you to come a visit me! I have many new original paintings and archival prints of all sizes and tons of greeting cards for sale.
I'm located at The Cottage Cafe 71 River Road, in the Marina district, formally Smackwater Jacks.